Monday, January 9, 2017

Figurative Languages 📝

Figurative language is language that uses words or expressions with a meaning that is different from the literal interpretation. When a writer uses literal language, he or she is simply stating the facts as they are. Figurative language, in comparison, uses exaggerations or alterations to make a particular linguistic point. Figurative language is very common in poetry, but is also used in prose and nonfiction writing as well.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Lost Ballpen 🖋

(Tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) 

🎵[1]"Ballpen, ballpen where are you? [2]I need you right here right now [3]How can i do my homeworks fast? [4]If you still do not show up [5]Ballpen, ballpen, where are you? [6]I need you right here right now"🎶

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Romeo and Juliet 💖

After Romeo heard what happened to Juliet he rushed to Verona and went to Juliet's tomb. When he got there he saw Juliet lying down, He started to cry

Romeo: Oh my Juliet! why did this have to happen to you?

Paris was also planning to go to visit Juliet's tomb and when he got there he found Romeo crying

Paris: Romeo of the Montagues! what are you doing here!? aren't you banished from Verona?

Romeo: I am just here to visit my wife's tomb, what's wrong with that?

Paris: Your wife!? what are you talking about?

Romeo: We already married each other with Friar Laurence's blessings.

Paris: What!? I am already engaged to her!

Romeo: What!?

Paris: You are a Montague, you have no rights to remain in here!

Romeo: I am the husband if there's anyone who have more rights to stay in here it is me!

Paris: Get out of here before I kill you!

Romeo: So you are challenging me! If that's what you want then fine!

They start to have a duel, but Friar Laurence who was also about to go to the tomb noticed that somebody already went inside so, he rushed to the tomb.

Friar Laurence: What is happening here! Stop you guys immediately!

Romeo and Paris: Friar Laurence!

Romeo: What are you doing here?

Friar Laurence: I am about to give the antidote to Juliet.

Romeo and Paris: What antidote!?

Friar Laurence: Didn't Friar John already told you about our plan? I already sent a message to you about it.

Romeo: I don't know a thing about it and I haven't met Friar John in Mantua. I just heard the bad news from Balthasar.

Friar Laurence: Oh I see.. I see... Let me tell you about our plan Paris you might want to hear about this too.

Paris: I guess..

Friar Laurence starts to explain their plan

Paris: I see.. so Juliet isn't interested with me after all. just as I suspected

Romeo: So Juliet is alive!!

Friar Laurence: Yes! Yes she is alive! I just have to give her the antidote.

Friar Laurence gave the antidote to Juliet

Juliet: Who's there? Friar Laurence? Paris? Romeo??.... ROMEO??!... ROMEO!!!!

Romeo: JULIET! Thank goodness you're alive

Juliet: Romeo oh Romeo I miss you so much!!

Paris: Juliet forgive me for what I've done to you, I caused you two so much trouble.
Forgive me too Romeo

Romeo: It's not your fault, you don't know a thing after all.

Paris: I will talk to Lord Capulet to cancel our wedding.. and I hope to find the girl that would love me back equally.

Juliet: Good Luck Paris!

Paris: Farewell.. Romeo... Juliet...

Juliet: Let's talk to our parents about this and stop this feud between our families and live a peaceful life.

Romeo: That's a good idea!

Romeo and Juliet talked to Lord Capulet and Lord Montague. At first Lord Capulet and Lord Montague refused to forgive each other but after Romeo and Juliet explained and convinced them, Lord Capulet and Lord Montague realized that it is the best for the both of them.. Soon Montagues and Capulets started living together and because of that Verona is finally at peace, and Romeo and Juliet lived happily ever after...

Friday, September 2, 2016

Friends 😀

"The greatest gift of life is friendship, and I have received it."

How exactly can we consider someone as a friend? is it when he helps us when we need them? is it when they are there when we need them? is it because they can help us? is it because we get something from them? for me i really don't know the exact answer but I am thankful God gave me awesome bunch of friends. Me and my friends met unexpectedly, I never thought that my life would change because of them. We met last school year when I was in Grade 8, we were classmates at Grade 8-Hydrogen. I never expected that they would be my friends and how much my life changed because of them. We became friends because of our favorite game Defense of The Ancients 2 or commonly known as DOTA2. Whenever we are together we always talk about DOTA2 and sometimes our personal life and personal problem, whenever one of us is having a problem we do our best to comfort him and to avoid making him feel depressed. And whenever I have a problem my friends are always there for me, they comfort me and say that there are more to life I should not waste my time worrying about that problem. We were doing fine up until March 2016 but when summer came I lost connection to them  because I focused myself on a new game I found out, and I rarely play DOTA with them. So when we turned to Grade 9 we are on different sections some are on Fluorine some are on Oxygen while me and Rovie are on Hydrogen, because of this I rarely have a conversation with them. But this friday afternoon (September 2, 2016) I am so heartbroken because a girl broke my heart, I went back to my friends and I am so glad they are still there to comfort me and I regret staying away from them. I really thank God for having a friend like them and I pray to God to always bless them and take care of them. So if you found your true friend/s, do your best to make them feel they're important to you and care for them as much as they care for you.

Saturday, July 2, 2016

Most Difficult Role 📖

I have a lot of roles in my life. Those roles determine who I am as a person. So far the most difficult role I have performed is being a Student.

Being a student takes a lot of sacrifices. Sacrifices like waking up early instead of getting all the sleep you want, going to school every weekdays instead of playing and having fun with your friends. studying instead of watching television or playing computer games, but despite of all that sacrifices being a student is fun and exciting. Being a student is fun because you can learn a lot of new things about Science, Mathematics, English and many other things and meeting new teachers and classmates spending the whole school year with them.

 When I was in elementary my parents is pressuring me to always be a Honor Student, at first I am enjoying it and always looking at the positive side that it is for my own good,


but as time goes by i got bored of studying and just play games instead, before we take on quiz or tests I am playing computer games or watching television instead of reading my notes and studying our lessons, but when I became a High School student my personality as a student had changed. I am studying at Cavite National Science High School where in the best of the best students are studying, luckily I got into this school. There are a lot of policies students have to follow in order to stay in this school one of them is proper uniform and proper haircut for boys which I am having a hard time to follow because of my naughtiness. There is also a grade every students in this school have to maintain or else you will get kicked out from school. So for me to stay to this school i have to study hard instead of playing computer games or watching television. This school that I am studying is located to another town which would take 15-20 minutes of travel and we have to be inside our classrooms before 6:45 AM so I have to wake up early in the morning for me to go to school in time, thanks to this I learned how to manage time. Before, I am not active in recitations and participating in school activities because my previous school prioritize grades than performance, but thanks to this school that prioritize performance than academic grades I am now learning to participate in school activities and to be active in recitations.

I became a responsible child because of being a student. I could now help my mom doing some household chores like washing dishes and cleaning the house if I have free time, because  I am trained by my homeroom advisers very well. I never regreted that i went to school or became a student because I know that the decision i made to be a student is right and it can help me to become a better man in the future.